by Rachelle Hruska · April 24, 2009

    OMGICU, launched today. The new website is hoping to take internet stalking, as we know it, to a much bigger level. OMGICU is "a real-time, participatory celebrity gossip, where you determine who's worth knowing about. Living in NY, you see famous people all the time. Sometimes they are doing slightly inappropriate things. Don't save it for brunch." No, because now you can TEXT it in to the ENTIRE world. It's Gawker Stalker on crack! God save us all.

    Founder, Hugh Dornbush ("That's the porniest name I've heard since Lockhart Steele"-K. Bakes) was seated next to me at a dinner last month and spoke in rapid bursts about his company, a common theme among techies, I've noticed. And that rapid spit fire was quite fascinating, mainly because Hugh, a seemingly normal, attractive young gentleman, was using his nerd skills to create a tool based upon stalking celebrities-I was superimposing Kristian Laliberte's face in Hugh's for most of the conversation so that at least the face matched the sentences spouting out.

    So far, browsing around OMGICU, I have discovered that Andy Garcia and Juliana Margulies are at Merkato 55 right now. Which is actually quite interesting, considering I thought Merkato 55 was only open for the Twin's Brunch party.  67% of members (I can only image who fits in the early adapter group of this site) care.

    Is OMGICU the worst thing to happen to the Internet since Scott Solish, or is it the best thing that has ever happend to online communications?  Does anyone even care about celebrities anymore? ("I hope Twitter makes the world realize how uninteresting celebrities are." -S.D.)

    Am I interested in knowing that Andy Garcia is at Merkato 55 because I care about how his personal lunch is progressing along, or because I am surprised by the fact that anyone is there right now?

    These are questions that I'm sure will be answered as people start to play around on the site. One thing's for certain: I would never wish Fame on my worst enemy....