Yellow IS the New Black!

by STEPHANIE WEI · August 26, 2008

    yellowempirestate1Who else was wondering why the Empire State Building lights were BRIGHT YELLOW last night? I was shocked. I'd seen purple, green and even pink, but never yellow! What was the meaning of yellow? I figured the city was making a YELLOW statement. First, it was the chic color of the summer, then came the yellow nails, shoes, bags, and NOW the city has caught yellow fever. Tres trendy!

    I had to get to the bottom of the reason for the yellow lights. To my disappointment, the bright yellow lights of the Empire State Building last night were meant to celebrate opening day of the US Open.

    It was still exciting to see Empire State Building lit up in the "IT" color of the Summer of '08. Three cheers to the US Open! Let the games begin.

    [Opening Party for US Open on Empire Hotel Rooftop] [Yellow is the New Black] [Yellow Nails Fever. Julia Allison Is A Tad Late On The Trend]