A Few Tips For Putting On That Perfect Holiday Party

by SARAH MANDATO · December 8, 2009

    Go here for more pictures and tag yourself and your friends!

    Porter and Hollister Hovey's eclectic gathering of friends and loved ones was a hit this past weekend. Take a look, preferably with shaded goggles.

    If you don't plan to prepare a traditional bird for eating, a nice substitute might be taxidermy, so people will think of foods they could have eaten while admiring the animal's beauty.

    If Lewis and Clark return from their expedition in time, be sure to include them on the VIP list.

    Splurge on the finest spirits. After all, this is a gathering of loved ones and friends. Some suggestions include PBR and Bud Light. Natty's always a safe bet, as is boxed wine, or as I like to say, Box O' Fun.

    Try to display holiday spirit, with personal touches like mistle toe. And panda bear hats.

    This is minutes before she and Stanley mysteriously disappeared. Oh, holiday party antics!

    What says New York City musical magic better than a blue grass band?

    Catch up with old friends.

    Make sure your guests feel comfortable and at home. Dress codes should be flexible, to permit for absolute self expression.

    No judgment for a friendly social cigarette. The holidays are stressful.

    And most importantly, smile for the camera!