[All photos by SHAUN MADER for PMc]. Even though Christmas season doesn't officially start until Black Friday, Mackenzie-Childs unveiled their Holiday store last night, with the help of the Sarah, Duchess of York, and Alex McCord, who must have found it refreshing to hang out with someone with a REAL title (Duchess beats Countess!)-
McCord and her sons posed for pictures with Santa and a deranged looking jester, (we're not quite sure how he fits in with the Christmas theme...). The Duchess, aka The Original Fergie, also posed for pictures and sipped champagne. The store obviously doesn't take Christmas lightly, as every visible nook and cranny was Christmas-ed out with lights, ornaments, sprigs of holly, and beautifully painted Christmas scenes.
Santa Claus, Sarah, Duchess of York, some sort of jester??
Jay Strongwater, Lee Feldman Sarah Wright
Alex McCord, Simon Van Kempen
Rochelle Feldman, Lee Feldman, Joe Feldman
Nicolas Plaia, Alina Plaia, Michael Plaia Margorie Van Dercook, Jamie Dewalt, Rebecca Proctor
Todd Lattimore, Judy Currie, Doug Hamilton