Andrej Pejic x Sam H Snyder: 'Pejic X Snyder' Jewelry Line Launch supporting the efforts of Ali Forney Center
Where: Gilded Lily
Other details: Last night, Pejic x Snyder launched their latest jewelry collection at the Gilded Lily in support of the Ali Forney center. Pejic x Snyders jewelry was front and center under the Gilded Lily's famous chandelier on display for viewing and purchasing, with a portion of all sales going to help aid the Ali Forney Center's charity work. The bartenders at the Gilded Lily even whipped up a special cocktail for the night called Miss Pejixc, a grapefruit, agave and Qui tequilla mix, while Michael Baltra kept the room alive all night long.
[Andrej Pejic, Ben Bronfman via @interviewmag]
[Photo via @guestofaguest]