A Single Shot 2013 Tribeca Film Festival North American Premiere and After Party

A Single Shot 2013 Tribeca Film Festival North American Premiere and After Party
[Sam Rockwell, David M. Rosenthal] [Justin Long] Where: BMCC/TPAC & Liberty Hall Who was there: Guests included David Rosenthal, Kelly Reilly, Sam Rockwell, Justin Long, Matthew Jones, Parker Posey, Kelly Reilly, Heather Lind, Matthew Jones, Giovanni Lucchetti, Danielle De Gregory, Jordan Weller, Jeffrey Wright, and Lyn Cohen. [Sam Rockwell, Parker Posey] [David M. Rosenthal, Sam Rockwell] Other details: At the Heineken after-party for “Single Shot” director David M. Rosenthal and actor Sam Rockwell celebrated the films Festival screening with guest and actor Justin Long at Liberty Hall. [Sam Rockwell, Jeffrey Wright, Director David Rosenthal, Kelly Reilly, Heather Lind] [Photos via Heineken, via]
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