Before They Were Socialites: Part Eight

by Chiara Atik · May 4, 2010

    You are never, ever, ever going to guess who this Laura Ashley-clad girl grew up to be. Let's just say, her fashion instincts have greatly improved since 1988, and maybe moving to a new city did too. Also, we never suspected she wasn't a natural blond. Who is she? Click below to find out...-


    Whitney Port, the even-tempered star of MTV's The City looks just as adorable and sweet and innocent as we'd expect. And, true form, she made some pretty bold fashion choices early on.  We love the Lisa Frank inspired two piece she's wearing in the picture below...

    Look how cute she is on the left, practicing a prom-pose with a giant black bear. Loving the tye dye leggings and the on-trend ruffled socks.

    And look, Whitney was totally destined to be a cover girl from the start. Just, you know, maybe not of Newsweek.

    She looks just as happy and good-natured in these pictures as she seems to be now. And, as she states on her website, "No wonder I love bright colors so much!"

    [Photos via]

    [Before They Were Socialites]

    [Before They Were Socialites, Part 2]

    [Before They Were Socialites, Part 3]

    [Before They Were Socialites, Part 4]

    [Before They Were Socialites, Part 5]

    [Before They Were Socialites, Part 6]

    [Before They Were Socialites, Part 7]