A blue-blooded aristocrat who hails from generations of Spanish nobility - who also happens to be Enrique Iglesias's half-sister? While she may not be a household name in the U.S. (yet), Tamara Falcó (a.k.a. 6th Marchioness of Griñón) is one of Europe's buzziest socialites who, thanks to her famous family, various business ventures, and stint as a reality star, has even been dubbed "the Kim Kardashian of Spain." Unlike Tamara though, Kim doesn't have an ancestral castle or a noble title.

With the release of a new Netflix series chronicling her fabulous life, Tamara has been making plenty of international headlines lately, though her fiancé (well, ex-fiancé now) seems to have stolen the spotlight with his recent cheating scandal. Ugh, men. You can really be the most fabulous woman in the world and they'll still make out with a rando at Burning Man. 

After taking a peek at her glamorous life, you'll agree she's better off without him!

[Photo via @tamara_falco]