Izzy Gold…

by guestofaguest · June 12, 2007

    ...who is he?  Is he really Francesco Civetta who is playing the whole "it's-not-cool-to-act-like-you're-so-uncool-anymore-that-i'm-going-to-take-it up-a-notch-and-really-try-to-act-both-cool-and-uncool-at-the-same-time- but-don't-worry-that's-cool-cause-its-gold" card.

    Not sure what we mean? well if you don't find all the answers at www.izzygold.com perhaps his highlighting some of his facebook information will guide you further:

    Description: I make the coolest rags, vintage art t's and bad ass jeans,,,, as well as other products, IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM THEN YOU CAN SUCK MY BALLS.....

    Personal Info Activities: partying, work-painting, drinkin, causing trouble, ridin in cars around the city, dying for the sins of mankind.... Interests: music, film, women, art, hookers, clothes, polygomy, not in any specific order Favorite Music: Friendly Fire by Sean Lennon..best album in years, , , , CounterIntelligence, Domino, Dopo Yume, and hip hop, rock, old jazz.... Favorite Books: way of myths, Words of Gold (tbp), Trials & Tribulations of the unacknowledged king, Coin Locker Babies, Favorite Quotes: IZZY GOLD KNOWS!!! - me "its like hell with out hookers"-me About Me: Francesco Civetta aka Izzy Gold, Next King of the Garmento industry and Rock .... find more at www.izzygold.com

    His online network of less than 80 friends, is an obvious representation of true quality. Take for example:

    Socialite Olivia Palermo with her boyfriend at "Izzy Gold Rocks NYC" in April:


    Promoting his "Sean Lennon friendly fire" t-shirts with Olivia:




    Francesco Civetta posted a group at

    Name: The Slutka Izzy Gold Secret Society 6.6.2006 Type: Entertainment & Arts - Fashion Description: This is a secret society that began centuries ago on June 6th, 2006 in a small town called Manhattan. Weekly secret meetings are held in the caverns of a wine celler in a swanky italian restuarant on the UES. None of our secrets have ever been revealed to the public. Anyone who knows of them may get whacked, unless its izzy gold cause he knows... Ill give you a clue...some of our traditions involve marinara sauce , a mexican butler named chibo, and russian women.