This Week's "Fame Game Mover And Shaker:" Genevieve Jones...

by guestofaguest · March 23, 2009

    This week's Fame Game featured "Mover and Shaker" is Genevieve Jones, the well-known model-socialite who also has a budding career as a jewelry designer. She rose 3.2% in both Fame Game's "Society" and "Arts" categories this week, coming in first place ahead of society regular Chuck Attix and hippie socialite Byrdie Bell.   Originally from Baton Rouge, Miss Jones first appeared on the Manhattan scene as a mysterious super-skinny social climber who dated Trent Reznor and lied about her age (just a little), and then faded somewhat from the spotlight. Now, she's back as a jewelry designer and has been photographed around town more than ever (according to our records, at least 13 high profile events in the past 2.5 months.) She has famous friends such as Charlotte Ronson (who has been seen wearing Jones' signature diamond-studded safety pin earrings), and can be found in the front row of any Marc Jacobs or  Zac Posen show. Genevieve has now been dubbed as the "Holly Golightly" of our times, according to Nylon Mag, and apparently has improved her music taste as well, judging from her interview answer after being asked what she listened to while designing in her studio: "I can't get enough of Yeasayer, Deerhunter, Phosphorescent, Grizzly Bear… Waiting for new TV on the Radio. Pharrell and Lil Wayne can do no wrong.  Ooiiy! Neil Young xoxo!"  Genevieve is currently ranked 54 among more than 160,000 people in Fame Game. She has 275 people connections, and 26 relevant news and editorial mentions. Her highest rank to date was 6. Visit Fame Game to see this week's full list and to learn more about the Fame Game algorithm.

    Fame Game's algorithm computes rank (a measure of overall media attention) by looking at inputs such as the number of events attended, influential connections and "connectedness" index, news and editorial mentions, user attention/search trends, blog attention, and more. Learn more here.