Just Send It!

Take our advice and just send the darn text! The stakes are high and you run the risk of getting rejected. He could do this either politely, by explaining 'I'm actually seeing someone,' or harshly by simply not responding. Those options do not ensure ideal results but it will save you hours of agony and waiting to hear from someone who just might not be interested (see previous slides). The key word to remember there though is might. What if he actually is super busy and he was unsure about how you felt about him so he was waiting to hear from you? Sometimes we forget this, but guys are people too and while not all chivalry is dead, some rules are just outdated. Picture this: you're home watching the newest episode of Game of Thrones, it's Sunday night, and the plot is just blowing your mind. Potential bae watches too? Well why would you not text him?

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