Over 50 NYC Socials Tell Us What They Are Most Thankful For This Thanksgiving:

by Rachelle Hruska · November 26, 2008

    Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  I grew up with a father who was the eldest of 13.  Our Thanksgiving table was long and plentiful.  This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for a childhood filled with family, food, and wine.  I am thankful that I had uncles to play football with and cousins to elbow at the dinner table.  Alas, before we get into our own gofg thankful list, I thought I would ask around town and find out what everyone else was thankful for. And so....duh duh duh (drumroll), a list of over 50 of NYC socials tell me what they are most thankful for this Thanksgiving:

    Steve Levis (of Goodnightmrlewis): I am thankful that I can make a living from my art. I am thankful for the blessing of my girlfriend Nicole and the hope that Barack Obama gives us.


    Patrick McMullan (of PMc): I am naturally thankful for the usual things Friends and Family and Hope, but especially because I have 5 days in a row In the country With Mom, Sister Sharon, and son liam. Yeh!

    Kelly Cutrone (of People's Revolution/"The Hills" fame): My daughter Ava.


    Paul Johnson Calderon (of Paper Magazine): I am most thankful for my wonderful friends and amazing family. I am thankful for president elect Barack Obama. I am also thankful for the clarity and peace of mind that comes with growth and enlightenment. I am thankful to be living out my dreams, and most importantly I am thankful for my heath and happiness. Oh, I'm also thankful for the mega feast that is about to ensue!!

    Leven Rambin (actress):  I am thankful for God always giving me a sign when I ask him too. It's nice to have someone looking out for me in LA!


    Liam McMullan: I am thankful that Obama is alive and well, and for all of the amazing people that make my life worth living. Like you.


    Mickey Boardman (of Paper Magazine): I'm thankful for the election of Barack Obama and also I'm trying to be thankful that the hateful passage of Proposition 8 in California is galvanizing the gays into taking a stand for Human Rights. Also I'm thankful I'll be spending Thanksgiving in India since I'm a vegetarian jet setter I'm much happier nibbling on a chana saag in Varanasi than eating cranberry sauce at my parents house in Daytona Beach, Florida

    Kristian Laliberte: I never celebrate Thanksgiving in the typical American or Canadian way--the dinner with all the trimmings, the big familial get together--we reserve that for Christmas. Instead, I always go out of the country with my parents who, approriately enough, are whom I most thankful for. Their unwavering support in a pretty difficult year for me has been more than anyone could ever ask.

    Rachel Heller (actress): My brother got me Essene Wolf life food nutritional sessions, which have changed my way of life and what I consume, making me feel empowered and healthy.


    Francesco Civetta (Izzy Gold #1): I am most thankful that everyone in my family is healthy and that I'm an Uncle now!


    Brittany Mendenhall (ChiChi212): I am thankful for the people in my life who care about me, the chance to write about my passion and the ability to live in the greatest city in the world. I am also thankful for designer shoes, the blackberry bold, and Barnes and Noble.

    Jonathan Famous: My mom, Diet Pepsi, Estelle Getty, Nicholai Zerdev, Makers Mark, Puerto Rican Flags, My Roommates colorful American apparel underwear. My dad's book, my brothers Music. Rachelle Hruska...

    Caroline McCarthy (CNET's The Social): The fabulous Christina Hendricks as Joan Holloway on "Mad Men." If there's anybody that can kill this awful, seemingly endless empire-waist trend and bring back a real silhouette, she's the one.

    Keith Lissner (Designer): Barack Obama...need I say more?



    Talia Eisenberg (Heist Gallery): In these tough financial times I am grateful for my family and all the love and support they give. I am also grateful that my father bought land in Humboldt county in 1978 when he was a young hippy at harvard, he would studying there (and party i am sure) with all of his friends around as they built a huge house with their own hands on the acres of land. Its our fallback plan...my beverly hillbilly family at heart all joke that if things get bad enough we will hole up there with guns and freeze dried pancake mix and not to mention, export plenty of homegrown goods straight from the land and I will start a crafty knitting business as a front. But shhhhh, don't tell the DEA.

    Jason Andrew Willard-Sparrow: I'm most thankful for old rich men who are about to die!


    Jeanine Heller: Family. I am most thankful for my family - without their love and support I would not be the person I am today. I am thankful for future opportunities to show them just how much they mean to me.

    Annabel Vartanian: I am thankful for having a mother that can cook a turkey better than Martha Stewert! I'm also thankful for that love of my family and friends!


    Daniel Koch: I would like to thank my twin brother for putting up with my shit all the time and my family and friends for their continued love and support!


    Noelle Hancock: Four words: Microsoft Word Auto Recovery



    Nick Dietz: I am thankful for 80% off at Saks, 70% off at Marc Jacobs and all the gifts that Mother Earth has rolled together to make my life easier.



    Devorah Rose: Loved ones, learning, and late nights.



    Douglas Marshall: I am extra extra thankful this Thanksgiving for my mom, dad, sister and boyfriend and all my fun and loving friends. I have had gone through some major changes in the last 3 months and all those people have been my angels and I truly realize how loved I am!

    Tatiana Platt (FameGame):I am most thankful this year for a healthy pregnancy and the upcoming birth of a son!



    Robbyne Kaamil (comedian):I'm so grateful that in spite of this economic climate I still have enough money to buy my champagne and weed to help me deal with the bullshit.


    Jason Rogers (Olympic Fencer): I am thankful that: 1) I no longer have to take the R train from Queens everyday, 2) nobody emails during the Thanksgiving holiday (at least I hope) and 3) my family will expeditiously escort me to the nearest hospital if I overdose on Tryptophan...I believe it will be a pleasant Thanksgiving indeed...

    Kim Bates: I am thankful for finally discovering the true key to happiness - to live everyday with a purpose and always in service to others around you. I am thankful for the constant support of my loving family and my extended family in New York. A brilliant, true blue group of friends always there for one another… you know who you are! Happy Thanksgiving.

    Cristina Civetta: This Thanksgiving I am most thankful for my heath and the people in my life!!To another good year!!


    Jack Bryan: I am thankful that I have time to do the things I love to do. For example, it's Monday at 1pm and I'm still in my bathrobe, watching the news, doing some writing, and considering taking a nap. Life is good.

    Serena Merriman: Landing my dream job at ASMALLMAGAZINE (on ASMALLWORLD) during the recession and the hot man I met at the Beatrice last Thursday. You were right, your sweater does look better on me.

    Jules Kirby: I am thankful to have had the opportunity to meet a lot of unexpected people around the world. Rich or poor, they have helped me get to where I am today by teaching me to just take life as it comes. I am thankful for the vital goodness of our waters and for my physical strengths. I am thankful for all the choices i have made some bad and good, but by taking the time to know myself and to just know that i am alive i am thankful to know that i am doing alright.

    Tim Morehouse (Olympic Fencer):I am most thankful for "My family, friends and for 17 years of hard work paying off with an Olympic Silver Medal in Beijing!"


    Kerry Cassidy: Everyday I am thankful for my family; my mother and father; the love they have given me and the examples they have set. I'm especially grateful for the hope and humor they've taught me and the power of those virtues during times of struggle. I am grateful for my large extended family; my cousins, who treat me as a sibling; their love and loyalty give me strength. I am grateful for my health and that of my family and friends. I'm also thankful the Giants are doing well this season, go blue!

    Mike (aka Midwesterner in NYC): This year, I am most thankful that we have finally elected a president that will diligently address the serious problems that face our country ... like Y2K.


    Tiffany Koury: This has been a tenacious year for me both personally and professionally. Fortunately, I was able to reflect on what I am the most grateful for this year, I discovered my genuine friends."

    Theodore Cleary: I'm most thankful for my new job I started last week.


    Coralie Charriol Paul: I am really grateful for all the memories I have over my life, no one can take those away from me, and I can take them with me everywhere. I am also grateful for being pregnant a second time with a baby girl!

    James (aka NYBarfly): is thankful that, despite the recession, the city’s spirit persists and people still come together to drink night after night. It would be great if one of those folks could buy us a drink – we’re broke from the recession.

    Stephanie Wei: I am most thankful for my family and friends who have shown me nothing but love, honesty, loyalty, and acceptance, particularly over this challenging yet inspiring year; for supporting me through the good, bad and even the ugly at times. I am also grateful for finding strength to learn and grow from my mistakes, take responsibility and embrace the journey of life; however difficult it may be at times, it is still a beautiful process. And for that, I'm most thankful to celebrate moving forward on several different levels. Porter Hovey: I'm just thankful that I'm not feeling the effect of the recession . . . yet.

    Carter Cramer: To be honest, I'm thankful for the fact that I can now walk to work and do not have to take a subway where people rub agaianst me comment on my "weird" clothes.  They clearly have no taste

    Emma Snowdon-Jones: I am very thankful for the health of my Mum. 4 years ago my mother was hit head on by a driver who passed a bus on a blind corner, she should not have survived... Two weeks in a coma, two months in intensive care, 27 operations and the old girl is still here. She even walked again  this year. I am thankful, so thankful.

    Ariel Moses (Couri Hay): I am most thankful for all of my old and new friends that have come into (and back into) my life. There are clearly people out there that are not worth your time,  but I feel lucky that I've met such caring and charismatic people who are always there for me, even when I'm a little out of my element. If friends are a reflection of who you are, I definitely think I'm doing all right!

    Cayte Grieve (BlackBook): I’m Thankful for all of my amazing, talented, and funny friends- who, despite the ‘recession’ are all proving to be successful movers and shakers in their own right. I’m proud of you guys!

    Douglas Friedman (Photographer): I'm grateful for Diet Coke, family and friends.


    Mina-Jacqueline Au: I am thankful this year for diamonds, Louboutins & Choos. Families, Friends & Sisters. Successes, Laughter & Smiles. Health, Longevity & Wealth. Mom, Herman & my imaginary puppy.

    Tia Walker (The Quest for It):I am thankful for a super healthy happy ending to a year that could have been difficult.I am looking forward to celebrating with my very supportive family!


    Morten Davidsen: I am thankful for my new family... In a world like this, it's wonderful to see that there are still people with BIG hearts...


    Melissa Berkelhammer: Aside from the obvious, like health and family (sometimes you have to almost lose someone to realize how precious those things are), I am most grateful that I will finally get a few days to myself. And between my new computer and everything that I have DVR'd since September, I shouldn't have to leave my house once...I can hardly wait!

    Gregory Littley: I'm thankful most for my family, friends, kidrobot, late nights at rosebar, polaroid film, and the ever helpful google alerts....short and sweet.


    Jen Gatien: 2008 has been a year of immense change personally and politically-- I'm grateful for living in a country where Giuliani never had a chance of becoming president and for the love and support of my family and friends.

    Luigi Tadini: This Thanksgiving, and every Thanksgiving, I'm grateful for the existence of the greatest city in world: New York. For all the tastes, sounds, sights and most of all for all the wonderful friends who live here to share all the memories created on our sidewalks.

    Kelley Hoffman: I am most thankful for getting to write for Refinery29.com, seeing Rodarte, discovering CB "At the Beach, 1966" perfume, salon/salooning the city avec mes amis, everybody being down with ob for p, my new secret music project...and not missing my flight -- gotta go pack! xx

    Brad Leinhardt: I am thankful to be with great family and friends this thanksgiving...it's my favorite holiday!


    Gillian Hearst Simonds: This year I am most thankful that my whole family are healthy again. Its been a long year with lots of doctors visits for my father, but it looks like he's finally better! I think that is something I will be thankful for from now on!

    Nicky Digital: I am thankful for neon pink, the internet, pizza, spinach, spinach on pizza, my friends, my family and mustache wax!


    David Chines: I'm thankful for the people in my life that make me laugh....including NeNe, Kim, and Jill.


    *Please Note: These are in no particular order save from the order I viewed them in....also, if I missed you and you would like to be included in the list, just email me! (In 3 lines or less!)