Eavesdropping In: Google's April Fools Joke, Mad Men Back For Two More Seasons

by Mara Siegler · April 1, 2011

    The final verdict is in: Celebrity polar bear Knut died from drowning. [AP]

    A new bill may allow members of the military under 21 years of age to drink and smoke in the state of Alaska. [FOX]

    Mad Men will be back with creator Matthew Weiner at the helm for two more seasons and possibly a third. [NYT]

    The city is seeking to replace the rickety cars on the Cyclone at Coney Island and a new permanent operator. Interested suitors include Donald Trump, the operators of Luna Park, and a New Jersey man who once held the world record for continuously riding the Cyclone. [NYP]

    Google proudly unveiled Gmail Motion today—today, of course, being April Fools. The new application "uses your computer's built-in webcam and Google's patented spatial tracking technology to detect your movements and translate them into meaningful characters and commands," Google claims, offering a helpful guide to the necessary gestures. [GmailMotion]