Apocalypse now? Some 2,000 dead blackbirds fell from the sky in Arkansas for no reason. Wild speculation as to why ranges from cold weather to an explosion of fireworks nearby. [MSNBC] Other End of Days Signs As Expressed By Mysterious Animal Death: 100,000 dead fish have washed up on Arkansas' shores. [CNN]
Bret Favre's yearly threat of retirement has come early. He is (at least saying he is) retiring. Again. [ESPN]
How sad! Zsa Zsa Gabor was taken to the hospital last night to have part of her leg amputated. [People]
Scandal! Following reports that sanitation workers deliberately slowed down clean-up efforts, investigators are now looking into rumors that supervisors skipped out on their duties to drink beer in their cars. Let the finger pointing continue. [NY Post]
Do ask, do tell. OutMilitary.com aims to be the Facebook of gays in the armed services. [Reuters]