So, it's not just nineties movies that are getting the Broadway musical treatment. Word is that 80s cult hit Heathers is being worked into a musical as we speak... how is this going to work? [HollywoodReporter]
Hamptons realtors are trying their best, riding the Jitney to the city to do a Hamptons Expo. And no, not as in the Hamptons Exposed. In fact, this might be the summer season with nothing to expose. [DailyIntel]
"Uncle Steve" talks with our favorite doorman, Matt Oliver, of Merkato and M2 [BlackBook]
Harvey vs Heidi. Project Runway is still standing still....and according to Heidi it's all Harvey Weinstein who is putting the 6th season on hold... so the winner could be among us and we wouldn't even know it. [Gawker]
"It is not against the law for brokers to describe a coffin-sized studio as "cozy," but they can't call it quiet. Not making it easier for the buffeted NYC market [NYP]