Millions of women travel to Manhattan in hopes of finding love. After scouting out guys at Max Fish starts to get boring and you just want to know what Manhattan males are really thinking about you, here is, a blog that invites you into the dark honest thoughts of one of New York’s straight males.

The man behind the blog likes to remain anonymous as he speaks for most of the city’s male population. So like most of his readers, we will call him Boyslife. From his blog, there is little to know about the writer himself. On his bio, Boyslife writes:

“I spend my days below 14th St. and generally above Canal. I’ve had girlfriends. I’ve been in love. I’ve had my heart ripped out and handed to me by numerous women. I’ve done my share of ripping too. These are stories of my New York.”

Boyslife keeps things as real as possible when answering desperate anonymous bloggers on dating advice. The blogger answers daily questions on common concerns such as on one-night stands, dating fashion models, meeting skaters, and awkward sex moments. Boyslife is good at what he does, giving the truth in the harshest and most real terms. In an email interview, Boyslife broke down his current dating game.

“It's weird, when you become known for something like this it changes things, maybe for worse. Women look at you differently, like 'oh he's the sex guy' and in a weird way, telling them they want you, or acting like they want you makes them want you. Like: does this girl want to fuck me because she actually does, or because I really believe she does and that belief is somehow contagious and swaying her?  It's strange stuff that I'd sorta like to leave behind once this has run its course.”

Is Boyslife just as confused about the opposite sex as we are? Check out his advice page at before our favorite male blogger decides to stop writing!

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