Mr. Consistently-Replies-1.5-Hours-Later
Even though most of us can't function without our iPhones less than 5 feet away at all times, we acknowledge the fact that despite it being 2016, there still exists an exclusive bunch who aren't addicted to being connected at all times (and begrudgingly so, we've learned to forgive them). So your partner left their phone in the gym locker and didn't reply for a whole hour, it's aggravating, but ultimately forgivable. However, what about the ones who reply to your texts exactly one and a half hours later every time, despite the varying intervals in which you texted? Logically, it makes no sense that such perfected timing occurs after every correspondence unless they're actually timing their replies to perhaps seem disinterested or hard to get. And as a result, these are the type of people we want to avoid.
[Photo via @beigecardigan]