Don't say "lol" to make things not creepy

The thing about "lol" is that a lot of the time people use it as a buffer. No one has used it since middle school to let people know that they're actually funny. I use it to make jokes sound less harsh or offensive when I'm texting someone, and my friends use it on me in response because they wanna patronize me by implying that I'm funny when really I'm just obnoxious. Boys, on the other hand, will use to make sexual comments sound less forward and by forward I mean aggressive and by aggressive I mean creepy. It's kind of a copout, like "Just kidding but not really but if you're weirded out by this then I'm in the clear because I'm totally joking." Think of it this way: The Big Bang Theory is the worst show ever, but it has a laugh track to let people know that it's attempting to be funny? Watch The Big Bang Theory without a laugh track and it's somehow infinitely more cringeworthy. That's how your audacious text messages come off when you take out the "lol." 

[Photo via @colympios]

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