Has Goop Out-Gooped Itself With These Beyond-Fancy Diapers?!

by Stephanie Maida · May 11, 2022

    Listen, when it comes to the wonderfully weird and woo-woo world of Gwyneth Paltrow, hardly anything surprises us anymore. A candle that smells like her vagina? Sure. A jade egg that you put inside your own nether regions? Why not?!

    But even with all her fancy new-age sex toys and supplements, GP had apparently not reached peak Goop... until today.

    Introducing "The Diapér," a new Goop-branded essential that just might be the most luxurious way for babies to poop their pants. In an announcement on the company's Instagram account, the disposable diaper is described as being "lined with virgin alpaca wool and fastened with amber gemstones, known for their ancient emotional-cleansing properties." Naturally, they're also "infused with a scent of jasmine and bergamot for a revitalized baby." LOL.

    Per the IG post, the diapers will be dropping for $120 for a pack of 12.

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    Now, even if this were a hilariously self-aware product launch, the whole thing is obviously ridiculous. So, is it a tongue-in-cheek gag? A month-late April Fool's joke, as most of the commenters are hoping?

    As it turns out, the post may very well be a satirical dig meant to bring awareness to an actually important issue.

    This past Mother's Day, Gwyneth herself penned an article for CBS News on "the joys and stresses of motherhood." In it, she called attention to the "diaper tax" in the United States.

    "I never had to think about the cost of diapers, never once, until recently when my team at Goop brought it up. We were talking about the diaper tax," she wrote. "Despite the absolute necessity of diapers, in 33 states they're taxed like a luxury good. Depending on the state, this sales tax can add between 1.5 and 7 percent to their cost. This makes diapers the fourth highest household expense for many low-income families."

    Considering these "luxury diapers" have popped up just days later, it seems more than likely that Gwyneth and her team at Goop have found a brilliant way to raise awareness about the diaper tax affecting families across the country. We seriously have to hand it to her (although, come on, you know some of Goop's customers would absolutely buy these).

    Update: We totally called it guys! Watch Gwyneth explain the stunt and partnership with Baby2Baby below:

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