London: Peace One Day Celebration

London: Peace One Day Celebration
On the heels of London Fashion Week, the royal city is preparing for yet another show-stopping event series.  In addition to meditation flash mobs, art exhibitions, and activist gatherings, Peace Day taking the musical performance route with Peace One Day's Global Truce 2012 concert.  Wrapping up the London 2012 Festival, the concert will feature performances by Elton John (in his only London show this year), James Morrison, and 2CELLOS.  Peace One Day Founder Jeremy Gilley and Ambassadors Jude Law and Lily Cole will also be in attendance, making this celebration a must-see.  If you can't snag tickets to the event (or a plane ticket to London), you can catch the action online starting at 7:30 PM London time. For more information, go HERE! [Photo via]
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