What were your first set-ups like?

My first booking was on the beach in East Hampton for a family celebrating a birthday. I will never forget what it felt like seeing their reaction as they approached the picnic! The gratitude and praise they shared was so fulfilling. Of course, starting this business came with its challenges, from getting my car stuck on the beach, breaking down set-ups in the pitch black and dealing with crazy wind. One time, as I was arriving for a beach set-up, the tide was coming up so close to the dunes that it left me no space to work with. Luckily I always allot myself enough time for mishaps and quickly came up with a back-up plan.

Social media has played a huge role in getting noticed, and most of my clients reach out to The Setting Collective via Instagram. Prior to having any bookings, I would stage set-ups alone on the beach, posted up all day passing out business cards and meeting people as they approached the setting which I branded with my Instagram handle. I used the staged pictures for digital content and it all paid off in the end.

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