Moral Of The Story: Lock Your Hotel Room

Friend brings a girl as his plus one to this wedding. We'll call her Dani. Dani doesn't know anyone at this wedding but is up for a good party....

Dani proceeds to get herself absolutely shit house drunk at the reception and stumbles back to her hotel room.

.....Only one problem, Dani goes into the wrong room. Room was occupied by a mother/wifey and her FOUR WEEK OLD tiny infant sleeping in the bed. The door was left unlocked because hubby was to be back from the same reception at some point.

Dani hops into bed, sprawls out to get comfy, and unknowingly shoves the 4 week old infant clear off the bed and onto the floor. Wife lady erupts in rage and horror after turning the lights on to discover not her husband, but some drunk chick and her infant face down sobbing on the floor.

Worst part is Dani was so fucked up she couldn't process what happened and had to have the catastrophe explained to her when she woke the next afternoon.

Infant ended up being okay. Dani sent an apology letter, but never got a response. She has since had a little come to Jesus talk with herself about her drinking and toned it down significantly. But good damn that haunts her.

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