Violet Gaynor

by Christie Grimm · October 24, 2019

    Violet Gaynor is dripping in mom energy. She has a voice that registers in such a loving tone, a tone that would immediately make any random stranger on the street feel things are going to be just fine. Starting out her career in the world of glossy magazines as a fashion editor, stylist, and writer, it was ultimately while working at InStyle that Violet found her calling. She launched a side project called The Glow which as it quickly grew into a beloved, trusted destination for honest, inspiring motherhood stories and community, too grew into her main gig.

    Who inspires you?
    My mom and sister inspire me endlessly. They are both survivors in every sense of the word. My mom has been through hell and back, yet has the most positive attitude ever. And my sister not only lived through a life-threatening car accident and coma, she also has gone on to lead the fullest life filled with positivity and constant laughter. I’m also deeply inspired by my best friends who I’ve had in my life for decades. And I’m so lucky to be inspired daily by the mom community I’m surrounded by. I hope to be as open and  honest as possible in all aspects of my life in order to break down the damaging myth that perfection exists. 

    Is there an example you can share of how another woman has lifted you up?
    My very first boss at Shape, Kristina Coleman, was the most supportive, positive force I ever could have dreamed of. She took me under her wings and taught me every aspect of the job and gave me opportunities to grow every single chance she got. But most importantly, she showed me through her actions the immense importance of being kind to every single person you come into contact with, and how being the first to arrive and the last to leave and always trying to put a smile on people's faces and going out of your way to make people feel good will take you far. 

    What's the best part of your job? 
    Even before I became a mom, for as long as I can remember, I have been obsessed with pregnancy and birth and motherhood so the fact that I’m now a mom of two and I get to spend my days writing about and talking to and researching all things motherhood is pretty much my dream come true. 

    What are you most proud of? 
    Being an honest voice in an effort to truly connect with other women on a daily basis through my personal instagram. Creating a community through The Glow which celebrates all aspects of motherhood, and provides a safe space to connect and share our challenges just as much as we share our triumphs. 

    What has been the most useful advice you've received?
    One of the best pieces of advice I've ever received was from my former boss at Shape, and it wasn't really anything she said outright, but she taught me through her actions over the six years we worked together to prioritize kindness and hard work above all else.  

    What are you most excited for next?
    Going deeper into the issues that we all face regarding parenthood. More unfiltered realness, more connection, more pulling back the curtain on taboo subjects. More virtual and real-life opportunities to lift each other up as moms and as women.

    [Photo by Yumi Matsuo]