You Should Know: Christopher Beckman

by guestofaguest · September 29, 2014

Christopher Beckman

When we caught up with Christopher Beckman, a talented artist who's work was submitted to the Whitney Art Party this year, Christopher told us that his aesthetic is "one that continuously evolves." This former Ralph Lauren model also showed work in the PROCESS exhibition this summer, and we're convinced you should know him so that you too can be sure to keep up with his elevating career.

[You Should Know]

More Christopher HERE. [Interview: Christopher Talks Whitney Art Party, Modeling For Ralph Lauren, And Refueling His Creativity]

Christopher BeckmanChristopher BeckmanChristopher BeckmanChristopher Beckman

Occupation: Artist Twitter/Instagram: @chris_beckman, @cbart212

"To live, love, and laugh."

Christopher Beckman Questionnaire

What do you actually do all day? Eat, workout, create art, and listen to music.

Favorite song growing up? Purple Rain by Prince.

My biggest secret is... Not to have any.

Why do you live in NYC? It's the best city in the world.

Uber, Taxi, Subway, or Citi Bike? Uber sometimes, my bike or a taxi/train.

My motto is... "To Live, Love, and Laugh."

My alter ego is... La. (it's a secret).

The last drink I had was... Iced Coffee.

My secret crush is... Kate Krone. (and another big secret)

What was your first job? Newspaper delivery

Coming from? Going to? My studio and back.

What is your favorite work of art? Cave painting

Who should we know? Kacie Tomita
