Vermin Supreme

Vermin Supreme
Well, at least we know that we can always (yes, always, as in every election year) vote for this guy... Vermin Supreme is among this election season's better-known candidate - if we're only assessing the pool that participated in the December 19 Lesser-Known Democratic Candidates Presidential Forum in New Hampshire.  While there, Supreme "glitterbombed" candidate Randall Terry, promised free unicorns for all, and touted himself as a "friendly tyrant."  Distinguished by the giant black boot on his head and disheveled wizard style, Supreme is making a big statement on the state of politics today.  As part of his 2012 platform, Supreme has sought to increase awareness about the zombi apocalypse. So as Supreme likes to say, vote early, and vote often - but first check out his wacky official KamPAIN theme song, "I Am A Meme." [Photo via]
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