
by guestofaguest · September 18, 2007


    Is this the new A Small World for NYC, or a an attempt to fill the gossip void left by the departure of socialiterank.com? Well either way, we know if there is rankings involved people are going to compete. Just for fun we searched for Tinsley Mortimer and Olivia Palermo to see where these dueling socialites rank up. Looks like Tinz has a healthy lead over her junior rival, with 167 more connections and a good deal more attention...

    In any event the social method behind site seems pretty interesting. It aggregates the amount of times a person's name shows up on the web to determine their "attention %", and apparently they add people's names manually (not sure what the purpose of this is, but sounds like a ton of work!). So its basically like a pre-populated social-network, if that makes sense?
