Groundhog Day 2012 and Punxsutawney Phil

Groundhog Day 2012 and Punxsutawney Phil Happy Groundhog's Day! Apparently the old groundhog saw his shadow today (is there ever a year when this isn't the case?!), which means we will have six more weeks of winter. Or, six more weeks of "winter," which these days means 60 degree weather. What does this day mean for you? A guilt free night of watching Bill Murray: What does this mean for our life sustaining plants? A confusing year with unpredictable results: Growing Warmer, Growing Earlier [WSJ]
Watching the Weather Channel…makes you a little nervous," said Ron Goerler, manager at Jamesport Vineyards in Jamesport, N.Y.
Mr. Goerler said buds on his delicate Merlot vines have swelled in ways not typically seen until closer to April. That out-of-season activity could leave the crop vulnerable if conditions turn cold again.
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