Blackout SOPA

Blackout SOPA. []
What is SOPA exactly? House Bill 3261, The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), or #SOPA on Twitter,and its cousin in the Senate S. 968 the "Protect IP Act" or #pipa / #ProtectIP on Twitter seek to target websites that allegidly distribute copyright infringing materials by having the Department of Justice (DoJ) block those websites. [PublicKnowledge]
Why SOPA is a bad thing:
  • By short-circuiting the legal system, it gives rightsholders a fast-track to shutting down websites.
  • By creating conflicts between "DNS" servers, it would make you more vulnerable to hackers, identity theft, and cyberattacks.
  • By sanctioning government interference with the internet, it would make the internet more censored, akin to that of China and Syria.
How you can help: Join other Internet personalities like Dennis Crowley and Pete Cashmere and change your Twitter profile to include the official Blackout SOPA banner.
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