1. The Hipster Bath

1. The Hipster Bath. Mayor Bloomberg told #OccupyWallSt protestors that they would have to "temporarily vacate Zuccotti Park" for sanitation reasons today so that workers could come and hose down the place. [NYT] The protestors response? They want to apparently clean up their own mess: [NYO] In other #OccupyWallSt news: note to Kanye West: "Are you kidding me?" Protestors not impressed with celebrity appearances. [LATimes]
Reporting from New York— Most groups that count on donations might welcome nods of support from someone with the deep pockets of superstar Kanye West or the influence of activist and MSNBC host Al Sharpton. But when the anti-establishment movement called Occupy Wall Street opened the floor to comments during a recent meeting, Reena Walker looked at the crowd in a Manhattan park and bellowed disapproval over the visits that day of Sharpton, West and hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons. "Sharpton and all these guys — are you kidding me?" said Walker, who accused them of using Occupy Wall Street to bolster their profiles while perpetuating things the movement eschews, such as party politics, consumerism and sexism. "We don't want to be used and co-opted. This is not a game."
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