What's Inside Your MDMA? It's Not What You Think

6. What's REALLY Inside Your Molly? It's Not What You Think (duh)
Playboy is on a mission to discover what's really inside the mystery club drug commonly known as "molly." Supposedly a purer and more potent for of MDMA, molly has become a more prominent fixture in today's club and party world. [Playboy]
"According to the hype, molly is for the cool kids, the discerning consumers who don’t mind paying a premium to ensure quality, whereas ecstasy pills are for “e-tards,” the dance-floor proletariat who turned MDMA from a hippie tool for inner exploration into another excuse to get trashed on a Saturday night. Fancying themselves smart drug users who pride themselves on knowing where to get the real stuff, many molly consumers seem blissfully unaware that drug dealers routinely substitute synthetic cathinones (bath salts) for MDMA, not only because they’re easier to procure but also because they’re a lot cheaper."
Molly [Photo via]
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