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Susan Elizabeth Ford Bales

Susan Elizabeth Ford Bales
Father: Gerald Ford, 38th President Years in White House: 1974-1977 S.S. Code Name: Panda When Gerald Ford ascended to the Presidency in 1974, a 17-year-old Susan Ford was preparing for her senior year at Holton-Arms -- naturally, she threw her prom in the East Room of the White House. Over 70 girls and their dates boogied down in the historic hall usually graced by dignitaries, and high school history was made. But it wasn't all song and dance for Susan. Her mother, Betty Ford, was diagnosed with breast cancer just weeks after Gerald was sworn into office, and Susan often had to serve as White House hostess while her mother was hospitalized. But Susan and her mother fought back. In 1984, they co-founded National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual international health campaign that raises awareness and funds for breast cancer. And it wasn't the only cause the pair worked on together. In 2005, Susan became the Chairman for the Betty Ford Center, a chemical dependency recovery hospital begun by her mother. In addition to these causes, Susan worked as a photojournalist for such publications as Newsweek, Ladies Home Journal, and the Associated Press, and is a writer of mystery novels. Today, Susan resides with husband, attorney Vaden Bales, in Tulsa, Oklahoma. [Susan Ford at White House Prom via]
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