Blogs We Love: Lenndevours

by Joseph Russell · July 22, 2008

    lenn thompson wine blogOn yesterday's search for farmstand bliss, I stumbled across Lenndevours, the wine blog owned and operated by Lenn Thompson, a prolific wine columnist who frequently contributes to Edible East End,, and Dan's Papers, and who used to edit the Long Island Wine Gazette. When Thompson moved out east from Pittsburgh ten years ago, he fell in love with the area's vineyards and their bounty.

    Thompson's oenophilia is evident throughout his site, which is filled with anything and everything pertaining to Long Island's wines, and many things beyond -book reviews, grapes from other states, beers, spirits, dining, and even a help-wanted section. Local wine reviews take up a large chunk of Thompson and the rest of the Lenndevours' staff's postings; bottles are rated from 1 (flawed, not recommended) to 5 (outstanding, a classic wine) stars, though Thompson places more prominence on readers' feedback.

    Aside from being informative, Thompson has an informal, personal writing style -rare in a wine enthusiast! He also has a bunch of correspondants -in the city, Finger Lakes, and Niagra, as well as a great beer guy, Donaval Hall. If you live anywhere in this state and are interested in its wines, you should definitely check this blog out.