Nicki Minaj and her many personalities love Nando's Peri-Peri [Yeas and Nays]
Here's a blast from the past: Bill Nye The Science Guy endorses Obama [Click]
Ugh, more tourists will be coming to DC [DCist]
If anyone still cared, a DC Housewife is pregnant [Distriction]
In (possibly) related news, there are a lot of horny moms in DC waiting to check out Fifty Shades of Grey [District of DeBonis]
Willow Smith whipped her hair back-n'-forth in Georgetown [Yeas and Nays]
Senator John McCain is a fan of Amy Poehler [Twitter]
Someone defaced the Einstein memorial...with yarn. In other news, who knew we had an Einstein memorial? [Washingtonian]
Sharon Stone opened up about the need for an AIDS cure [Yeas and Nays]
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