Refinery 29 Hosts DC Launch Party at Georgetown's Madewell Store

by Alexa Lombardo · November 4, 2011

    Refinery29, NYC-based fashion super-blog, celebrated its DC launch last night at the Madewell store in Georgetown. Fashionistas and style bloggers from the area came out to chat with Refinery29 editors and contributors while shopping Madewell's fall finest.

    DJ Soul Call Paul [pictured below] was upstairs spinning some classic vinyl. Bartenders were on hand serving the evening's signature concoction "pear-trified cider".

    Philippe von Borries, CEO and co-founder of Refinery 29, said he's looking forward to Refinery bringing "a complete daily lifestyle destination to our style-hungry subscribers in the nation's capital."

    The DC branch of Refinery 29 will be headed up by Holly Thomas, former fashion writer at the Washington Post and co-founder of vintage-inspired line Butler + Claypool.