Insider Hangout: The W Hotel's Underground Wine Bar

by Sophie Pyle · January 13, 2012

    Lots of people are familiar with the W Hotel's famous rooftop P.O.V. restaurant, but the intimate wine bar underneath the hotel's J&G Steakhouse is where DC insiders and celebs have been quietly hanging out since it opened summer 2009.

    Christy Turlington has been spotted here several times. Ray Lamontagne and the famously glitzy White House social secretary Desirée Rogers have also come by for a spell. It is a hot spot for DC media elite, particularly after events at the National Mall, or events at the White House or US Treasury across the street. A source tells us it was the spot for a welcome dinner for Facebook's lobbyists.

    [The wine bar has enough room for just a few dozen people]

    In the warmer months, the small space spills outdoors to a seated patio area. It's a bit harder to find in the cold months (you have to go through the restaurant to find it) so if you're on 15th and want to impress your date, take her there.

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