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Republic Kitchen & Bar Grand Opening Party

Republic2 Republic [Social DC PR Team] Republic Where: Republic Kitchen and Bar Who was there: The co-founders of Socia DC PR, Jamie Drucker and Michelle Goodliff, the PR team's events coordinators Victoria Pomeroy and Cassie Ricalde, and Project DC owner, Alex Lopez Other Details: On Friday, June 20th, Arlington hot spot, Republic Kitchen and Bar, held their grad opening party hosted by the girls of Social DC PR! To celebrate, Republic and Social DC invited everyone for a night of food, drinks, and late night beats with an red carpet style entrance, amazing DJ performance, and the lovely Republic waitresses who fed the guests unique cocktails and the bar's signature items such as the Drunken Beef Cubes, Chicken and Waffles, Steamed Mussels and more! The party began at 9 pm and lasted through the night! The grand opening showed both Arlington and DC residents why the Republic Kitchen adds a splash of uniqueness to the up and coming Ballston area. Republic Kitchen is clearly there to stay! Republic Republic Republic2 Republic2 [photos via John Robinson Photograph]
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