Kens And Barbies Invade L2

by MADELEINE STARKEY · July 19, 2010

    Friday night, L2 was the site of Barbie and Ken themed party, Ken and Barbie Do Georgetown, that was bumping despite the torrents of rain, thunder and lightening outside.  As always, getting into the posh members-only lounge required a name on the list, or similar street cred.

    The party was the brainchild of First Chukker's Ray Regan and L2's Leah Dyrud.  Ray, along with fellow First Chukker-er and L2 member Andrew Bullion, his girlfriend Stefanie Ball, and L2 member Lindsey Mask hosted the soirée.

    While we don't quite know what music Ken and Barbie would listen to, but we agreed with the DJs selection of poppy, bubble gummy beats.  And, duh, the '90s classic "Barbie Girl," by Aqua, must have played five times.  In any other setting, repeating a song even once would have spelled doom for the party's atmosphere, but not at the Ken & Barbie party.  It only reinforced the wildness.

    Babes abounded in pink, of course.  Barbie is pink and pink is Barbie.

    The poor guys in attendance, however, had the less-than-inspirational Ken as their muse.  But the popularity of suits or some athletic themed attire was good enough.  After all, the point wasn't to put all your effort into your outfit, but rather to put all your effort into your partying.

    Judging by the popularity of the life-sized Ken and Barbie doll box, we'd say attendees certainly did not skimp on their partying energies.









































    [photos via Revamp]