Vote To Pardon Your Favorite Turkey!

by Kyle O'Donnell · November 26, 2013

    Happy Hunger Games: Thanksgiving Edition! The time honored tradition of POTUS pardoning a turkey is getting a twist this year…and they need your help!

    This year, the lucky fowl will be chosen by the American people! That's right, folks! You can vote on whether you are on #TeamPopcorn or #TeamCaramel.

    Here are their stats: Caramel weighs in at a hearty 38lbs and 4oz and digs some classic Lady Gaga. Popcorn is more of a Beyonce kind of turkey and is a little svelter, weighing in at 37lbs and 6oz. Vote for you favorite at

    If this whole reaping sounds macabre, fear not. Both turkeys will remain alive, so you can get that off of your conscience.

    [image via]