Strasmukkah: The D.C. Holiday That Keeps Giving

by ARIELLE KRIEGER · June 10, 2010

    We're pretty positive everyone in D.C. had a Merry Strasmas. Glee may have gotten more television views from residents in the District on Tuesday night but we're sure it's because the rest of the D.C. population hopped off of their couches and trekked to the stadium for this monumental occassion. Watch your backs Glee stars, Strasburg is the new celebrity to hit this town and he'll be on The Late Show with David Letterman tonight!

    The Nats stadium was SOLD OUT! with standing room only tickets being the last available for Strasburg's grand debut this past Tuesday. This baseball superstar definitely lived up to the hype built around his arrival to make him deserving of his new-found celebrity status. Strasmas didn't end Tuesday night at the bottom of the 9th inning, in fact, it's turning into the holiday that lasts for days-on-end and we couldn't be happier! Be sure to catch Strasburg on The Late Show with David Letterman on CBS tonight as he presents the Top 10 List. Mark Buehrle, Derek Jeter and Cole Hamels are other MLB stars to hold this honor.

    As for our next present for Strasmukkah, it's said the Baseball Hall of Fame will collect memorabilia from the Strasburg game. Whether they'll gift-wrap it and add pretty bows, we can't promise.

    via MLB