We Think DC Should Name It's New Bike Sharing System "George"

by Chiara Atik · May 24, 2010

    Sooooo cool and just in time for summer: Mayor Fenty and and Department of Transportation Director Jay Fisette announced a new regional bike-sharing program that will make over 1,100 bikes available...FOR FREE!-



    Once launched, this will be the largest bike program sharing program in the country, but it still needs a name, so the city has come up with an online voting system.

    We are of the strong (strong.) opinion that the bikesharing program should be named simply, "George".  Unfortunately, "George" is in fifth place behind, like, the lamest names ever. In fact, if the people of Washington DC ACTUALLY name this awesome new bikesharing program "Capital Bikeshare" or "Bike Around", we'll officially boycott it.

    I mean..."Bike Around"...seriously, that's the BEST we can come up with??

    Everyone in the GofG office has voted for "George", and now we want you to do the same. Let's effect some real change in this city.

    And whatever you do, please don't choose "Velo2Go". We can be more original than the French, can't we?

    [Via DCist]