Hurricane Salahi: What's Wrong With Tareq's Teeth??, Neal Schon In Town To Celebrate Thanksgiving With Michaele's Family, They Laugh At Tareq's Lawsuit

by Sophie Pyle · November 23, 2011

    Last time we checked in on Hurricane Salahi, Neal was buying Michaele all kinds of presents.

    Now, Tareq is suing the couple for $17 million for publicly embarrassing him.

    TMZ ran into Michaele and Neal at Dulles Airport as they were coming back in town for Thanksgiving. They laughed at his legal threats, and Michaele managed to drop hints that she and Neal are working on "projects" together. Another reality show, maybe?

    The cameras shut off a few minutes later, but not before Michaele delivers zingers like, "I'm thankful Neal is in my life this Thanksgiving" and "my heart has always been with Neal."

    Now, on to Tareq's teeth. We recently obtained this photo of him from a political party for New York State Senator Greg Ball:

    WTF? We know he's friends with Michael Lohan, they kind of look like Lindsay's teeth...

    [Photo via]