Tell us a bit about some of your other work.

Tell us a bit about some of your other work. One of the things I’m really excited about is not only helping to support the creation of community, visibility, and opportunity for artists who are involved in social justice work, but also our new digital media initiative, which is in its pilot phase; it’s called Creative Time Reports, and it’s the only initiative of its kind out there. Essentially, it’s a website that enables artists from around the world to weigh in on the important issues of our times, giving them a platform where they can share their opinions and research on important issues of our time. It’s about society and how we connect artists to the largest audiences we possibly can. I’m really proud of the success we've had thus far. There’s hardly a place on Earth that Creative Time Reports hasn't touched already in a very short time. We have a lot further to go, but the potential of this project is huge. I don’t know what that looks like yet, but I’m excited to discover it over time.
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