A Portrait (Or 30) Of New York Nightlife

by Chiara Atik · September 21, 2010

    We loved when Nic Rad made his portraits of internet celebrities, and now we love this: artist Vincent Fantauzzo wants to draw a collective portait of New York by painting 30 portraits in 30 days. We couldn't help but notice some familiar faces in his subjects....-

    Among the first of the project's paintings to be made available online are portraits of Mark Ronson, Mick Rock, Chanel Iman, Jess Hart, and, to our utter delight, Nur Khan (painted exactly like we described him in yesterday's Daily Style Phile).

    (We also can't help but chuckle at the artist's commentary on his portraits. "Mick is such a cool character...he rules rock!!" and the more succinct  "Love his music" for Mark Ronson...this is one artist that really does express himself better visually...)

    The pictures are awesome, and it's crazy to think he's painting one a day. Who else from the scene will pop up in this series? If it were up to us, we'd pick Waris Ahluwalia, Zelda Kaplan and Fabiola Beracasa.

    The exhibit will open October 7th.

    [All photos via Vincentfauntauzzo.com]