Beatrice Blaine of F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise

"But Beatrice Blaine! There was a woman!.. ...the exquisite delicacy of her features, the consummate art and simplicity of her clothes."

- F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise 1920

Beatrice Blaine, mother of Amory Blaine in F. Scott Fitzgerald's first novel, This Side of Paradise, was based on the mother of one of his close friends and represents a last remnant of the turn-of-the century American Socialite: educated abroad, close family ties to the English royalty, valuing elegance over garish extravagance (cough *Kardashian* cough).

Reclaim American royalty in your simplest gown and fur stole, prefer whiskey to wine, and specialize in polite small talk.

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