Bridgehampton Polo Update: Cotton Candy, Colored Wayfarers, and Champagne

by Joseph Russell · July 28, 2008

    stride ritestride ritestride ritestride rite [Images via Rob Rich]

    This past Saturday, the Bridgehampton Polo Grounds was a family place, thanks to shoe boutique Stride Rite and its bevy of face painters, cotton candy machines, games from Space Odyssey USA, and bejeweled, celeb-designed gameboys. On the field, Team Black Watch duked it out against Team Pony Express, while Perrier-Joeut-fueled grown-ups divot-stomped, hobnobbed with ex-reality stars, and preened for photos atop a souped up Mercedes-Benz.

    MORE PHOTOS from Rob Rich after the jump.

    mercedes benz polostride ritestride rite

    [Bring Your Babies to the Polo Field]