chocolateChocolate lovers rejoice! In the near future, you might be able to consume chocolate so healthy that it can be considered medicine. Interestingly enough, cacao has many antioxidants and minerals that provide health benefits such as increasing “good” cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, reducing stroke risk, and protecting the nervous system. Unfortunately, since cacao is very bitter, we have to add fat and sugar in order to enjoy it, which takes away the cacao’s true health benefits (like that has ever stopped us from eating it). Good news: Kuka Xoco discovered a plant extract that ‘de-bitters’ unsweetened cacao. This means that scientists can actually cut the fat and sugar in half! Gregory Aharonian of Kuka Xoco states that the discovery of this ‘de-bittering’ agent “eliminates the need for sugar, sweeteners and much of the fat in chocolate, unleashing the medical benefits of cacao.” [Photo via @elarboldecacao]
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