Yoko Ono-Lennon On John Lennon Exibition

by Stanely Stuyvesant · August 13, 2008

    Yoko Ono-Lennon"Come Together" is a look into John Lennon's Life Through His Artwork, and will be held at the Southampton Inn from August 22-24.  Legacy Productions has been working directly with Yoko Ono-Lennon and the Estate of John Lennon to bring up to 20 art exhibitions a year featuring over 100 individual pieces of artwork by John.

    This exhibit will include hand-signed pieces and limited edition prints, serigraphs, lithographs, copper etchings and aqua tints.  Proceeds from this exhibition will beneifit the Human Resources of the Hamptons.  Hamptons.com recently did a phone interview with Yoko to get the details on this amazing exhibit:

    Is there a particular reason or any significance as to why the Hamptons were chosen as one of the venues for this year’s exhibition?

    Yoko: Well, most people consider the Hamptons to be a place of luxury, wealth and pampering, so perhaps this exhibition, with its connection to the Human Resources of the Hamptons, will be an eye-opening experience. A charity that helps those that are not so fortunate or wealthy.