Maybe it was our recent jaunt to Nellos that reminded us just how great a cougar-inspired plot-line can be, or maybe it was thanks to Nate's summer fling with an older woman on "Gossip Girl" in the Hamptons last season - regardless, thanks to The Hampton Affair, by Vincent Lardo, that void in your life can now be filled. The book, which starts off with a 40-year-old and her teenage lover, elevates from there into murder, scandal, and what else? Money, money, money. Afterall, it is the Hamptons. And even more appealing than all the drama, is how the author explains the lay of the land out here in his narration: The rich live South of the highway, the working class North, and the middle class smack-dab in the middle. The grass is always greener at someone else's Hampton's summer home, isn't it?