The Preppy/Waspy Bro

The Preppy/Waspy Bro
You know them, these bros are the mascots of Hampton debauchery. They party  with their trust fund money and their boring girlfriends (from Ivy league colleges), but that doesn't stop them from sleeping with the occasional cheeseball girl. Complete with whale pants, polo shirts and loafers, they are usually in great shape (because of all the lacrosse played throughout their years at Duke), or they have that hipster-ish build with a little pot belly from all the alcohol consumption. You can make fun of them all you want, but you cannot deny that these bros are actually a pretty good time. They can be a little snotty, but they are always down to rage. Where they can be found: The Maidstone, Bobby Vans, Sant Ambroeus, on a boat, getting drunk at a benefit or private party, as far away from Euro bros as possible, obnoxiously eating doughnuts from Scoop Du Jour. Their stances say it all... "Wait, how do you not know who my father is?"
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