Eavesdropping In: Chris Colfer Finds Out About His Departure From Glee Via Twitter, Kris Jenner Gets A Facelift For Kim's Wedding, And Jon Hamm Gets Hammered

by Chelsea Burcz · July 15, 2011

    Amateur sleuth, Yaakov German, armed with determination and intuition helped cops crack the murder of 8 year-old Leiby Kletzky by tracking his path to doom. [NYD]

    Chris Colfer finds out he is leaving Glee through twitter, and has mixed emotions about his "graduation." [People]

    If your name is Casey Anthony, or you look like the woman acquitted of murdering her daughter, be careful, because there are many confused people out there who may try to kill you. [Gawker]

    Kris Jenner gets a facelift for Kim Kardashian's wedding... what a great mom. [ENews]

    Jon Hamm got "Hammered"! [SS]